
What Third Color To Break Up Black And White Decor

Light blue is a color that induces peace and tranquillity, making it a nice choice for dwelling decor to help u.s. experience calm and at ease. Light blue is synonymous with clear bluish skies and shallow placid ocean waters, which are both linked to feelings of happiness and relaxation, which again make this shade a popular option in interior design considering about people want to enjoy tranquility in their own homes.

Here we wait at colors that go well with light blue for a range of colour scheme options which include this soothing shade.



Peach is a pretty shade that is named after the interior mankind of the fruit of the same proper noun. It is a color that includes orange, xanthous, and pink hues, which makes it an platonic color to pair with light blue considering all of these colors are complementary to bluish. Lite blueish is a soft and subtle shade that tin can really exist brought to life by the contrasting tones in peach.

Every bit both low-cal blueish and peach are on the paler end of the color spectrum, they can be used in large amounts without creating the sense of feeling overwhelmed.

For a light blueish room, employ peach for accents such every bit white cushions with peach patterns printed on or a pale gray rug with peach stripes. Using a neutral shade to assist break upward the light blue and peach tin exist useful to create a more elegant look, but this isn't always necessary with these 2 colors, and you lot could utilise them lone for a more saturated and playful expect, for case in a child's chamber.

Read also: eleven Excellent Colors that Go with Peach (with Pictures)



Lilac is a pale shade of purple, which has blue undertones running through it. It has links to femininity and florals, which means when used with light blue lilac can change the mood of a room and create a more dainty or pretty feel. If y'all feel your spare blue room lacks graphic symbol or passion, then calculation lilac accents can be a proficient way to alter this and create a more than lively atmosphere.

Lilac and low-cal blue have a lot of similarities. For instance, they both have blue hues, they are both cool colors, and they are both lite shades. When using two colors like this which have a lot in common, the room can await flat.

To prevent this, you should add a third color into the design scheme, which will help to add together definition to the space. A dark colour such as gray would work well to contrast the paler colors and introduce a moodier feel to a room or use cream for a more summery temper in the room.

Equally lilac is a color named after the flower, it seems that floral prints go mitt in hand with this shade. If this type of motif is appealing to you, opt for fabrics featuring lilac flowers or art prints of lilac bouquets. This can farther assistance to define the experience of a room as bright and fresh.

Read also: Colors that Go with Lilac (with Pictures)



White and lite blue can be used to create a feeling of uncomplicated serenity. This is a color scheme commonly used in bathrooms because information technology works well to brand a room feel relaxing and clean.

Although bluish is non a neutral colour, light blue can feel like a neutral when used alongside white because it doesn't inject too much personality onto a space, which is also why information technology works well in bathrooms and mutual spaces considering these are areas of the dwelling house that will be used by a number of people.

White and light blue can too exist used together to achieve a beachy or coastal theme in a room. To do this, focus on nautical stripes every bit a motif, and employ natural textures such equally linen, cotton fiber, and rope. A coastal-themed room should feel casual and relaxed, and fabrics actually help to ensure the right mood is created by adding texture and layers to the room.



While white and light blue piece of work together to brand a space feel casual and clean, they tin also make a room feel stark or cool, especially in a room that struggles to become a lot of bright natural daylight. In this case, substitute white with cream, and your results will exist a softer and more inviting room.

Cream and low-cal blue can create the same sort of mode in a space as white and lite blue, but the warmer tones in cream help to subtly add together comfort to a room which will make it feel more than comfortable.

Avoid cream shades that have too much yellow in them, as these tin have a buttery look and volition brand light blue feel one-time-fashioned. Instead, choose off-white shades of cream with a touch on of brown in them for a more modernistic take on this neutral color.

Navy Blue

Navy Blue

Dark shades of blue such every bit navy blueish, can be used with light bluish to create shade contrast rather than color contrast. Choose a neutral colour or an emphasis colour to use alongside these shades to avoid the room from feeling also bluish.

Off-white or beige would exist a suitable neutral in this color scheme or opt for a dusky pink equally an accent shade. Navy blueish will bring drama to a light bluish room and should be used in small pops, such as navy blue planters or navy blue lamp shades.



Light blue is a colour that is traditionally used to paint the nursery of a baby male child, and therefore tin be associated with adolescence. To make a low-cal blueish room feel more mature, utilize gray accents considering this will add a modern and sophisticated touch to the space.

Any absurd shade of gray volition piece of work with lite blue, so the color you choose will reflect the blazon of way you are trying to achieve. Dark charcoal gray with light blue volition make for a more moody and elegant room, while pale dove grey with light blueish volition await fresh and breezy.

Apple Green

Apple Green

Light blueish can exist used to create a fresh and invigorating feel in a room when paired with zingy apple green. Use these colors on patterned fabrics for a gimmicky style, and innovate a 3rd neutral colour such equally beige or dark-brown to avoid the intensity of apple greenish and low-cal blueish from feeling overstimulating.



Coral is a bold and vibrant shade that is a cantankerous between red, orange, and pink. Information technology compliments light blue nicely as it heavily features red and orange tones, which sit reverse blue on the colour bicycle.

These two shades work to make each other appear more lively, and every bit coral is an energizing shade, it can bring feelings of creativity and passion to calorie-free blueish, which would otherwise be restful and relaxing. Coral and light blue help to rest each other out, with coral lifting light blue, while calorie-free bluish brings a touch of calm to coral.

Read besides: 10 Colors that Go with Coral (Photos Inc.)



Tan is a shade that hovers halfway between brown and beige but can be considered as a variation of either color. It tin have orangish or yellow undertones, which brand information technology piece of work well with light blue equally these are complementary colors to blue. As a warm neutral, tan tin piece of work to make a light blue room feel more than cozy and comfortable, peculiarly if soft textures are used. Consider a tan suede sofa or a tan-colored chunky knit throw over the end of a bed.

Y'all can besides incorporate tan into a colour scheme past using tan-colored wooden article of furniture or flooring, which once more will add warmth to the room every bit wood has the ability to link us to nature and ground our emotions.

Stake Pink

Pale Pink

To avoid a light blue room feeling too cool or masculine, add accents of pale pink to introduce a pretty aspect to a space. Pinkish does not need to be frilly or obvious to add femininity and instead can really bring a sophisticated vibe to a room when used correctly. Utilise pale pinkish textures such as faux fur or velvet to enhance the elegance in a calorie-free blue room, and add together hints of aureate or rose gilded to highlight the romance of the space.

Cherry Red

Cherry Red

Ane of the colors many people feel wary of using in decor is bright cherry scarlet, only if added in small doses in a lite blue room, it tin accept the effect of making the space experience inviting and dynamic. Cerise red contrasts light blue and brings a feeling of joy and warmth to a space, simply be careful not to overdo it.

Choose red cushions in a light bluish room forth with a display of cerise flowers, or opt for ruby-red red accent chairs. Blood-red and nighttime blue are usually used together for an Americana blueprint, merely red with light bluish looks equally hit without beingness linked to a patriotic theme. These colors can work well in both traditional or contemporary styles.

Steve Green

Later on graduating in 2011, Steve worked in the interior pattern industry every bit a sales, advisor, and marketer.

He has been writing and editing since 2014 mostly in the domicile decor and gardening industry. His area of expertise includes dwelling house decor, color matching, and domicile improvement. Steve is passionate about architecture, interior trends, using colors, and improving all parts of his habitation.


  • 10 years of professional person web publishing and media experience.
  • 8 years working in the abode pattern and interior decor industry.


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